Thomas Huxley once said, “Learn what is true in order to do what is right.” In that vein, and in the spirit of helping guide businesses towards right action, we proudly announce the public debut of Offer Trust.
Offer Trust is a legacy project educational initiative designed to promote ethical business practices while raising awareness and proposing solutions to the unique challenges small and family business communities encounter. Our multifaceted project includes a curated library of resources and original content at our new website,, and a book in development. Our effort to spread this message and build a community of like-minded individuals who can connect to serve this purpose is ongoing.
The idea for Offer Trust took shape in 2015, inspired by a vision to assemble a team of professionals to collaborate and provide the world with resources to power sustainable change.
The project revolves around six core tenets: Trust, Transparency, Ethics, Morals, Sustainable Development, and Corporate Social Responsibility. By championing ethical practices and endorsing integrity worldwide, Offer Trust intends to promote a global business landscape where concepts, like our 6 tenets, are as important to organizations as profit maximization. We believe that we can help strengthen the moral fiber of small and family corporations everywhere while contributing to a global, interactive community.
If you would like more information about Offer Trust or to schedule an interview with one of our team members, please feel free to visit us online at, or contact us at: / PO BOX 970 Cornelius, NC 28031.
* Offer Trust Public Debut (Press Release PDF) *
North Carolina, United States, September 30, 2019
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