Why does Ethical Legacies exist?
Ethical Legacies exists to champion ethical practices and to endorse integrity worldwide. We curate a library of useful resources and original content for an interactive community interested in learning about and promoting trust, transparency, accountability, and morality.
What resources does Ethical Legacies provide?
We have amassed a library of knowledge about Business Assessments, Career Advancement, Professional Development, Legacy Establishment, Environmental Care, Ethics, Morals, Social Responsibility. This knowledge bank includes links to external resources, lists of recommended books and publications, and our own original content on these subject areas focused around small and family run businesses.
Is Ethical Legacies a Non-Profit Entity?
Yes! Ethical Legacies Foundation is an IRS approved 501(c)(3) / 509(a)(2) Non-Profit Public Charity.
How can I share suggestions or contribute to Ethical Legacies's resource bank?
Email your ideas to Info@EthicalLegacies.org.
How can I receive regular updates about Ethical Legacies?
Visit us on social media at:
Instagram: @EthicalLegacies
Twitter: @EthicalLegacies